1/1/2021 NOTICE: Due to the COVID 19 pandemic, all in-person groups are on hold until further notice. In some cases, children may be grouped together via telehealth.
Prana OT offers periodic group opportunities throughout the year for children from preschool age through adolescents. Groups provide a great opportunity to refine and learn new areas of skill development while building social and cooperative skills. They are typically offered in session blocks of 8-10 weeks, and generally follow a seasonal schedule (fall, winter, spring, summer). Groups are kept to a small number of 3-6 participants in order to remain therapeutic in nature. Children are approved for group participation on an individual basis and are grouped according to age. Participation often comes at the recommendation of the child’s therapist, and much consideration is given to specific groupings. Content and focus are tailored to specific needs per session, though often follow the formats below.
- Self Regulation Groups utilize sensory processing, yoga and mindfulness, and psycho-social education to promote self-awareness, attention and arousal, and emotional regulation.
- Boys Groups/Girls Groups are gender specific groups that focus on social and cooperative skills while incorporating elements of self-regulation, sensory processing and sensorimotor development. These groups include fun ways to build confidence and develop skills with friends who have similar skill levels. Emotional coping and emotional problem solving are also incorporated as needed. These groups often shift and change based on participant needs per session.
- Preschool Groups are for boys and girls and typically includes children 3-5 years of age. These groups are for children who are working to build foundations in play development, sensorimotor development, and social-emotional development.
- Eagle Eyes and Fancy Fingers provide opportunities to build handwriting and related foundational skills in visual and motor development. These groups are sometime offered at our practice or within private school settings.
- Sensational Food Group runs less frequently based on interest and need. It is a great group for picky eaters though appropriate for many children. Members participate in non-threatening sensory exploration of healthy foods. Basic health and nutrition is incorporated. Ages vary.