School Observations, Consultation, and Independent Educational Evaluation (IEE)
A team approach for school difficulties is often essential to support positive outcomes at home and at school. School observations help us gather information and generate recommendations about challenges that might be arising in the public or private school environment. Meetings with parents and with school teams are often recommended in order to coordinate services and service providers.
In the public school system, the process of special education eligibility and 504 or IEP development can be a daunting process for families. Assistance in understanding the process and recommendations for developing appropriate programming, particularly as related to occupational therapy, is provided.
Prana OT also conducts Independent Educational Evaluations (IEE) for public schools in the area of occupational therapy. At times, a family or a school may request an outside evaluation for occupational therapy. We work directly with the school and the family in order to provide these services when we are able.